We have many schools that have done a fantastic job participating in the challenge year after year. We want to recognize and encourage your dedication to staying active and healthy, so we will begin awarding longevity awards in spring 2016.
Longevity awards will be awarded as follows:
- Schools that have participated for at least five challenges since fall 2011 will be awarded a banner in recognition of their longevity. Our hope is that this banner will be hung with pride in a prominent place such as the school gym.
- The five challenges need not be consecutive. If you are not sure how many challenges your school has participated in, inquire with Healthy Futures staff.
- Schools will receive an additional banner for every additional five challenges after the initial five challenge mark. In other words, if a school completes 10 challenges, they will receive a 10 challenge recognition banner. Once they’ve completed 15 challenges, they’ll receive a 15 challenge banner.
- Schools must participate in the current challenge in order to be awarded their longevity banner/s.
Every school that participates in five or more challenges will be featured in the Healthy Futures newsletter. We will highlight how many challenges the school has participated in.